Monday, March 18, 2013

Corpse Reviver #3, or the Marco Rubio

I’ve been getting bored lately with posting mere reviews of new beverages and quips from The Partner (hysterical as they are).  But recently, I had a brainflash. Let’s give it some time and see how it works. Here's the story of my brainflash. 

There is so much in the media that makes me sad or angry lately that this NPRoholic can't even listen to super-high quality news shows like Morning Edition or All Things Considered anymore.  And don't get me started on The Partner's fave: Today.  At least in the former it's the news that disturbs.  In the latter it's the cast that makes me apoplectic.  (Yes, cast.  I will not besmirch the Fourth Estate by suggesting that biased Matt; bland, insipid Female Sidekick; bland, insipid Female News Reader, or clownish Al are even remotely related to professional journalists. But I digress...somewhat.)  Then there's "reality" TV.  Talk about man's inanity to man.  If we take these shows as a reflection of society, then as a nation we must be a bunch of developmentally stunted adolescents who can't get enough of the trumped up drah-mah more characteristic of middle school classrooms and high school drama clubs.  I'm digressing again. But bear with me. It's all about to come together here.

So The Partner and I were catching up on our TiVo queue and I felt like getting mixologically experimental.  I looked at the bar and saw two lone Florida oranges about to skip past their expiration dates.  I also had a sudden jones for something akin to a lemonade.  Then it occurred to me.  I'll riff on the Corpse Reviver! I whipped one up with fresh OJ and found it worth repeating.  (Look here to learn more about the Corpse Reviver and here for the Corpse Reviver #2.)

As we sipped, a news tease featuring Marco Rubio and his filibustering ass zipped by as we fast forwarded through a commercial block.  If you’ve paid any attention to the news over the past couple weeks, the message (for now) is clear:  Marco Rubio is the savior of the Republican party!  In fact, just try Googling “Marco Rubio savior”.  In a mere .27 seconds you’ll get about 58,000 results.  Scoffing at the TV, I took a sip and it hit me.  The media, and probably even Marco himself, see him as the reviver of the Republican party corpse.  And thus the latest incarnation of Dilettante is conceived.  Cocktailing as social commentary!

So here’s the first such entry:  The Corpse Reviver #3, or the Marco Rubio.  During the late 19th early 20th Centuries, revivers were hair of the dog bevs after excesses of the night before.  After the excesses of the party of frightened, angry, old, straight, white men-in-denial, the media and the party are hanging all their hopes on Rubio.  He’s young, Hispanic, telegenic, from Florida.  What do you know?  Everything Tea Partiers and the rest of the party have been saying is true.  The Republican party really is a big tent!  I love it when they point to one or two people going against type and call it proof of their rhetoric. 

But more importantly, as I sipped I was thankful, thankful that God sent us Marco.  See, recently I haven’t been sleeping very much out of fear that a drone might come crashing through the window of our Chicago condo and take us out.  But now I can sleep at night, feeling safe that my president and his justice department have promised not to dispatch us from a distance in the middle of the night.  Phew!  Marco, despite your tweeted protestations: are my savior! 

Corpse Reviver #3 or the Marco Rubio
equal parts:
Lillet Blanc
orange juice

Shake over ice and pour into (an Absinthe-rinsed, if you must) coupe.  No garnish.


  1. OMG, what a great name for the cocktail! I felt the same about Sarah Palin ...thank God he sent her to the Republican party last time around, that 'helicopter, shoot'n mama!' God, SNL had me in stitches with all the parodies on her. And then Romney in his 'magic undies' ... where to begin on those parodies?! Was it lost on anyone that the inauguration singing was by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir? If it had been Romney is would most definitely had been the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! God I love that.

    You've got so much material to work with here to do an entire line of cocktails! I am loving this 'corpse revival' theme .. with the dead as a doornail Republican Party. I feel a Zombie Apocalypse coming on ...

  2. AT- Thanks for the positive reinforcement! I guess I'll have to do a second post, at least! Glad you approve :-) And to be perfectly honest, I'm embarrassed to say that this English teacher -- adept in picking up on such things as symbolism, parody & satire -- totally missed that it was the BTC at the inaugural. I guess I was just basking in the relief & joy of his re-election. And then the fact that he unabashedly said the things we all need to hear -- that we have some challenges, they might be tough to hear, but we're more than capable of rising to meet them. That's courage.

    I was just at a conference this weekend where Maya Angelou was the keynote. She suggested that courage might be the most important virtue because it's what makes it possible for us to practice every other virtue consistently. Wow. We're in a time of tremendous flux. Let's be courageous about what comes next!

    **As D. climbs down off his soap box :-) **

  3. Courage to say what you feel, and mean what you say. To many 'middle of the road' people out there that don't want to ruffle feathers. but I say let's call out the crazy! or at least make a friken hilarious parody of it!

    thanks for the reco on Fools Crow by James Welch. I haven't read it, but something tells me I would like it. Will look for that


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