This entry is a Cocktail Chat since it is not a drink out of Cocktail. However, it is absolutely an inspiration that's resulted from this undertaking.
A couple hours ago, I thought it'd be fun to create a cocktail for Mother's Day. Since I can't be with my mom today, I thought I'd design something she would enjoy. So mom, if you're reading this, Happy Mother's Day. This bev's for you!
Once the weather warms up, mom loves a good white wine spritzer. So that's where this drink begins. But since this is a special day and the tipple a part of the Dilettante project, it couldn't be just a spritzer. The fact that mom isn't big on liquor, finding accents was a bit of a challenge until I thought about the aperitifs she enjoys. So this will have a citrus note to it. I'm sure I'll tweak the recipe over time, especially if I get some feedback and ideas from mom herself.
But in the meantime, I offer the first draft of the Diane Spritzer! May it refresh on a hot summer day!
The Diane Spritzer
4 1/2 oz. Sauvignon Blanc
2 oz. Cointreau or Grand Marnier
1 oz. gin
1 oz. lemon juice
4 dashes orange bitters
seltzer to taste
mom just told me about this today-don't know how i missed it! sounds yummy, but mom said she will have to drink it near a bed!